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Come on! Participate in a Running Race for All Citizens with Love and Donation

- 2016 Dalian 24-hour Endurance Race Is Waiting for You

       On October 29, a timed Marathon calledDalian 24-hour Endurance Race” will start in Dalian Sports Center. As a novel form of Marathon, the group setup of this race is distinctive. If you want to participate in individually, you can opt out from 3-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour or 24-hour race; if you want to participate in as a team, you can choose from 6-participant or 12-participant relay race, enjoying the joy of running with teammates. It is really running feast for all citizens.

       And not only that, the race organizers have initiated “24-hour Endurance Running Race with Love” Campaign. On the site, there will be special donation sites set up for sportswear and sports equipment, donations from which will bring happiness and warmth to children in impoverished mountain areas. This campaign aims to make children to understand the joy brought by sports and pay increasingly more attention to health, passing and sublimating love while running. If you have unused and spare sportswear and sports equipment, you may as well donate them to enable children who have never touched on such items due to poverty to feel the colors, kindness and warmth of this world. In addition, special area will be designated for sales of items for charity purpose, so as to raise funds for “Benefaction Clothes” Campaign, making the cold winter to be warmer because of sports and love.

       It is learned thatDalian 24-hour Endurance Race” is now recruiting volunteers, who will be engaged in reception, photo-taking, video-taking, anchoring, propaganda, service on tracks, supply service, catering, on-site coordination, articles distribution, etc. If you who love life cannot participate in the race for yourself, you can opt to be a volunteer or a cheer leader which is also a good choice. This race is journey extending the depth of life with a loving heart.

       “Dalian 24-hour Endurance Race” is not only a race but also a sports feast that passes on love and devotion. We sincerely invite you to become a guardian for such great love and give your care and warmth.

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